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Connection through Confinement

It’s hard to watch the news these days. I’m not even sure what’s worse: everything we do know, or every thing we don’t know. The things we’ve learned about COVID-19 are scary; the fact you could be unknowingly sick and pass this disease to strangers and loved ones terrifies me, if I’m honest. Even now, though, I see this knowledge as a blessing. The world is learning together. I’m just sorry for the toll this knowledge has taken.

All of us are facing unknowns. ALL of us, all over the world, are impacted by COVID-19. It’s strange to think that something this awful is what connects people in the United States to complete strangers in Korea or Italy. Not one person knows what the short term future holds. But here’s what I’m choosing to focus on: we really are connected. The whole world is in fact connecting through this. And as we self-quarantine and practice social distancing, we truly are not alone.

Take heart, my friends. We are bombarded by negativity and fear on the news, and I am so grateful to learn more and more about Coronavirus and how to help. Because, Caring Crew, we can help. We can help each other, our neighborhoods, and help prepare our community for when this pandemic is over and we start to bounce back.

As we know, staying home has the biggest impact for helping fight COVID-19, and there are ways to give back during this time, supporting each other. I know I’ve been truly touched seeing the generosity and care in my neighborhood these past few days. Every night at 8:00 we hold a cheer for the medical personnel. I’ve seen people volunteer to provide lawn care for our higher-risk neighbors. One dear friend used FaceTime to have a craft lesson with neighborhood children. Some neighbors wrote encouraging messages on the sidewalk. It struck me, again and again, we are not alone. We will come through the other side stronger for it, and we will be stronger together.


Caring Crew is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

©2018 by Caring Crew

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